... Not to advance is to drop back. -- Chinese proverb
Today I submitted my application for admission to California State University at Fullerton. Starting this past fall, they are offering an online Masters of Science degree in Information Technology. Godwilling, I'll be accepted, and then for the next two years or so I have a lot of homework and not a lot of spare time to look forward to, as I'll still be working full time.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Learning is like rowing upstream...
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Leg Pee
I used to work at the restaurant of a yacht club back in high school. I was a bus boy, so I got to clean up the tables after the members left, reset the tables, fill their water glasses, etc.
So this particular yacht club restaurant looked out over Lake Michigan. I was filling someone's water glass at one of the round tables in the corner of the room, with windows on either side, staring out over the water.
"Umm, excuse me?" says the guy who's water glass I'm filling. I look down to see the water glass overfilled, spilling onto his leg. I stop pouring water into the glass.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," is the best response I can muster.
"It's ok, I just wanted to be sure you weren't peeing on my leg!"
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Kim and I used to house/dog sit for a doctor who worked at the UW Hospital in Madison while we were in college. Here's where his house was: Nottingham Way, Madison, Wisconsin.
Kim was in a car accident yesterday. Fortunately she wasn't badly hurt (sore neck & shoulders). Her car isn't in good shape though. The rear right axle is bent about 45 degrees past where it should bend, there's not much of the right rear fender, and the trunk doesn't shut flush with the left rear fender (or what's left of the right).
The driver behind Kim claims to have been looking to merge to another lane when everyone suddenly stopped. Her car rammed Kim's Jetta, pushing it out of the way and then hitting the car in front of Kim.
Did I mention that we had just washed Kim's car over the weekend?
I captured a screenshot of the accident as shown on sigalert.com, and saved to PDF the details.
I was in an accident once. It happened on S. Gammon Rd in Madison, Wisconsin, right in front of the Wendy's restaurant. I was driving my '85 Pontiac 6000 LE. It was winter. There was snow and ice on the ground. The person behind me (in a late 90's red/maroon 4 door sedan) didn't stop in time and hit me. His front bumper was mangled, but as far as I could tell, my big metal bumper absorbed the impact without damage.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Rogue Chocolate Stout
I drank a Rogue Chocolate Stout (yes, beer that's actually made with chocolate, not just one that tastes chocolatey) tonight as we watched the Angels (who lost, so we'll see them back in Los Angeles of Anaheim tomorrow.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Big Bear Stout
Tonight I drank a Big Bear Stout, from Bear Republic Brewing. One pint six ounces of 8.1% alcohol by volume of dark rich roasted beer.
Not bad.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Release R.O.T.O.R.!
The world met the Terminator in 1984. Robocop hit the silver screen in 1987. But the world wasn't ready when R.O.T.O.R. was released in 1989, and may never be.
Please join me in my quest to see what is quite possibly the world's worst movie brought to DVD (it's tied for the 3rd worst movie on the Internet Movie Database).
Until it is released on DVD, your best bet to see this movie is to snag one of the few VHS copies of R.O.T.O.R. at Amazon
Unconvinced? Check out this review, which is the most in-depth review you are likely to ever read about this movie.
Sign the petition here: Bring R.O.T.O.R. to DVD.
Old Engine Oil
The other night I drank an Old Engine Oil old ale, from Harviestoun Brewing Ltd (Scotland). I have to agree with BrewMaster's rating on BeerAdvocate.com for this one. It was alright, but nothing great. The bottle says "Wickedly smooth chocolate dominates the flavour" but I don't think it was very wicked, and not especially domineering. For a beer with a neat name like that, you'd expect more.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Where in the World Am I?
So I was looking over Jason's shoulder while he was browsing the world with Google Earth, and there it was:
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
When you say one thing but mean something else...
Nobody on the internet wants to admit they dropped their phone in the can. Do a search on Google Groups for dropped phone in toilet: a few hits. Now try dropped phone in water and you'll find a number of relevant posts.
My phone still works! Quick thinking saved it. That and the willingness to put my hands in the toilet. So that stint back in college working as a housekeeper at a hospital paid off after all...
You better believe I used some Lysol to kill 99.9% of the germs that could have gotten on it (thank goodness the toilet was pretty clean).
Friday, June 17, 2005
Business skills
Drawing skills not improving.
Well I'm certainly no better at drawing with a computer mouse than I am with a pencil. I don't think I can blame much of that on the fact that I operated the mouse with my right hand, but I draw left-handed...
Also that font sucks...remind me to change it.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Objects may not be as they appear...
Super vision
Well, it turns out that my super-thick contact lens didn't really enhance my vision. It is a pain to stick this one in my eye, though...it's jumpier/springier than my contacts usually are. Yes, I'm sure it's not two contacts stuck together (had that happen before...this must not be the best brand of lenses...).
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The Wikipedia is not for free advertising
The Wikipedia is a web encyclopedia that anyone can edit. In fact, almost all of the pages in the Wikipedia are editable, including the Notability and inclusion guidelines for Webcomics. Of course, if you really were to go in and edit the guidelines, someone would probably fix them in short order.
(Yes, I drew this comic on a lined notepad. From the Marriott in Newport Beach. Sorry.)